But if you try sometimes, well, you might find you get what you need.
Apparently, what I needed today was a reboot.
Went to see a new doc for a second (or third or fourth, I’ve
lost count) opinion on the ongoing saga of my butt pain, which a previous
health care professional had diagnosed as piriformis syndrome.
Well, chicos and chicas, this manipulative medicine doc
tells me my problem isn’t piriformis. No. My problem is a stuck sacrum,
or basically the bottom of my spine.
Started treatment today to get it unstuck so that I move more like a regular human and not one that hikes her hips up when she takes a step.
As attractive as that sounds, it’s apparently not conducive to good health nor –
more importantly – to running.
The upside is that the treatment should work and that my end
of the bargain entails doing the yoga I’m already doing plus walking. Yes, I’m
benched from running again, but there’s a chance this might actually work.
Can’t be worse than all the stuff I’ve been doing since April
when all of this started.
For those of you wondering why I keep talking about my painful butt, I'm sharing my saga just in case someone else is dealing with similar issues. In my dreams, my blog sparks a conversation with your own doc that leads to a solution for your own leg/butt/foot pain.
Or at least gives you new plausible symptoms you can fake to get a back rub:
Have you had to go to multiple docs before getting the right diagnosis? How many did it take? Was your problem eventually resolved? Have you ever gotten your significant other to give you a back rub?
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